Can the NDIS Help with Housing?

While many forms of support come through this government initiative, can the NDIS help with housing? Read this article to learn about NDIS accommodation funding.

Updated on Feb 19, 2024
5 min read


The National Disability Insurance Scheme helps those with disabilities in various ways.

These support services are intended to help the NDIS participant live more independently. The main goal of the NDIS is to improve the participant's quality of life. 

But can the NDIS help with housing? The short answer is yes.

The NDIS could offer a potential solution to your housing needs. The funding may cover home modifications and specialised housing needs. But, there are some housing costs that NDIS funding does not cover. 

In this article, we will discuss what housing supports the NDIS covers. We will also talk about eligibility criteria, available options, and how to navigate the system.

Understanding the NDIS and Housing Support

The NDIS can help with housing through various means.

One way is through NDIS accommodation funding. 

This type of funding provides support for participants who need specialist housing solutions. It covers designing and constructing new homes or modifying existing ones.

It doesn't matter if the participant owns or rents their home. 

This is otherwise called specialist disability accommodation. It's for people with disabilities who need specialist housing funding.

It's important to note that NDIS funding doesn't cover rent in most cases. Instead, it finances the costs associated with the specialist housing solution. We'll talk more about this aspect later.

The NDIS offers support for supported independent living (SIL). This support helps participants carry out daily life tasks while living independently. 

SIL funding isn't about the physical home. It's about the support needed for independent living. For example, help with personal care, cooking, cleaning, and other household tasks.

Not all NDIS participants can qualify for SDA or SIL funding. Eligibility is based on individual needs, circumstances, and goals.

But, for those who aren't eligible, the NDIS provides other support systems. For instance, minor home modifications and help with household tasks.

If you want to apply for NDIS housing support, specify your housing needs in the NDIS plan. This includes desired accommodation and support for independent living. 

Eligibility Criteria for NDIS Housing Assistance

Eligibility for NDIS housing assistance is based on your needs, circumstances, and goals. 

Eligibility can also be based on:

  • NDIS participant status
  • Permanent residency or citizenship
  • Disability impact on daily living
  • Age
  • Specific housing needs
  • NDIS assessment

Eligibility doesn't only depend on the person's disability. How it impacts their ability to do everyday activities also matters. The NDIS supports those with permanent and significant disabilities.

Those seeking housing funding must have specific housing-related needs. These needs must be related to their disability. 

This may include the need for accessible housing features and specialised support services.

The NDIS will assess a person's eligibility based on their disability-related needs. They also look at the impact on their daily life.

This assessment includes considering the person's support requirements, including those related to housing.

Not everyone qualifies for SDA or SIL. But there are other support systems available for those people.

These include minor home modifications and help with household tasks. The NDIS can also provide capacity building to help you manage your tenancy.

Of course, to be eligible for NDIS housing funding, you have to be eligible for the NDIS as well.

Types of Housing Support Available Through the NDIS

There are various types of housing support available through the NDIS. 

The NDIS can help with housing by providing funding for:

  1. Home modifications
  2. Short-term and medium-term accommodation
  3. Assistive technology
  4. Specialist disability accommodation (SDA)
  5. Supported independent living (SIL)

Home modifications involve making changes to a home's structure, layout, or fittings. The goal is to ensure safe access and comfortable movement.

Short-term accommodation covers the cost of care in another place for up to 14 days. Medium-term accommodation is for those waiting for a long-term housing solution. It's usually funded for up to 90 days.

Assistive technology helps with everyday tasks and reaching potential. 

Next is the specialist disability accommodation. SDA is for those with extreme functional impairment or high needs. If you need to construct a new home or renovate your current one, SDA will cover this. 

There's also supported independent living. SIL funding provides support for participants to carry out daily life tasks. These could be personal care and household tasks.

Some participants can receive support through both SDA and SIL. 

When it comes to funding for rent, it depends. In most cases, NDIS funding does not cover rent. But if you receive support through SDA or SIL, you may get the funding for rent. 

NDIS funding does not cover daily living expenses, such as groceries and utilities. 

How to Apply for NDIS Housing Assistance

Applying for NDIS housing funding might seem complicated at first. We've broken the entire process down into the following steps:

  1. Become an NDIS participant. 
  2. Undergo an assessment process for your housing needs.
  3. Come up with a support plan.
  4. Discuss housing support and include it in your NDIS plan.
  5. Make any necessary changes to meet your needs.

Make sure you are a registered participant in the NDIS.

Work with your NDIS planner to assess your specific housing-related needs. This may include considerations for accessible housing features, modifications, or specialised support services.

Your NDIS support plan should outline your needs and goals. This includes the support you need that is related to housing. 

Ensure that your NDIS plan includes the necessary support for your housing needs. This may involve funding for home modifications and assistive technology.

It can be any other support that allows you to live in an independent and safe way.

If you need SDA funding, you may need an assessment by a qualified practitioner. You may also need a written agreement between you and the housing provider. 

To get help with your application, you can reach out to:

  • NDIS planners
  • Local Area Coordinators
  • Support coordinators

They can provide guidance and support throughout the process. 

The NDIS website also offers resources to help you understand the application process.

Tips for Navigating the NDIS Housing System

Navigating the NDIS housing system takes some time. It's important to understand the available supports and resources. This ensures a smooth and successful process. 

Here are some tips to help you work your way through the system:

  • Understand the different types of home and living support funded by the NDIS. 

This includes home modifications, individualised living options, supported independent living, and assistive technology.

  • Identify and document your goals. 

Work with your NDIS planner to establish realistic and measurable goals. Your goals should align with your NDIS plan. Remember to keep accurate records of your progress. If needed, update your goals as time passes.

  • Seek help from relevant professionals or specialists. 

They can provide valuable guidance and support throughout the process. These professionals will help you make informed decisions about your housing options.

  • Take advantage of the resources available to you. 

The NDIS website provides information to help you understand the application process. Familiarise yourself with the available support and services.

  • Review your progress towards your goals. 

Adjust your strategies if necessary. This will ensure that you stay on track and make any necessary adjustments to achieve your goals.

Resources for Finding Suitable Housing Options

It's essential to access resources that can assist you in your research. 

There are several resources available to help you find the right housing option for your needs.

One valuable resource is the NDIS website. The site provides a wealth of information on housing support and options. 

Here, you can find detailed guides and fact sheets. The frequently asked questions will help you understand the process better. You'll be able to make informed decisions as well. 

Another resource is the NDIS Housing Pathways team. It can provide personalised support and guidance throughout your housing journey. 

They can help you understand your eligibility and explore different housing options. They can also connect you with relevant housing providers.

Your Local Area Coordinator (LAC) is another valuable resource. 

They can help you navigate the NDIS Housing System. They can also provide information on local housing options. Not to mention help you access the support you need.

Community organisations and advocacy groups can offer valuable guidance. They can also provide support in finding suitable housing options. 

These organisations often have extensive knowledge of local housing resources. They can connect you with relevant support services.

NDIS and Housing

The NDIS can provide valuable housing support for people with disabilities. 

It's crucial to understand the eligibility criteria and follow the application process. Doing so allows you to access the necessary support. You will be able to live independently and take part in society.

If you need some help understanding how the NDIS works, Inclusive Home Care can help. We are a reliable NDIS and disability support provider. No one understands the ins and outs of the system like we do.

Give us a call if you want to know more. 

Schedule a free personalised consultation now.

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