Who Is Eligible for NDIS Funding?

Are you wondering who is eligible for NDIS funding? Read this article to learn about NDIS eligibility and how to apply for this government-funded program.

Updated on Jan 23, 2024
5 min read


The National Disability Insurance Scheme is designed to help people with disabilities. NDIS funding covers the necessary support and services a person with disabilities might need. 

But who is eligible for NDIS funding?

NDIS eligibility depends on a few factors. These factors include age, residency, and disability requirements. 

The NDIS is for people with permanent disabilities that affect their everyday life. These disabilities can be physical, intellectual, sensory, or psychosocial.

If you're wondering, "Am I eligible for NDIS funding?" you've come to the right place. This article explores the factors that affect NDIS eligibility. 

Introduction to the NDIS

The NDIS stands for the National Disability Insurance Scheme. It's a government initiative for people with disabilities in Australia.

Over 550,000 people in Australia receive funding through the NDIS.

Those who apply for the NDIS receive funding for daily needs and support services. But, not everyone receives the same amount of funding. Each NDIS plan is personalised.

The appropriate level of funding is carefully determined. The participants must go through a planning and assessment process. This involves discussions about their needs, goals, and the types of support required.

NDIS funding can be grouped into three categories:

  1. Core support: Help with personal needs and everyday activities
  2. Capacity building support: Support for learning new skills and reaching personal goals
  3. Capital support: Funding for necessary equipment and home modifications

With the NDIS, you're in charge. You can choose the support that works best for you. If your needs change, the plan can always be updated.

Who Qualifies for NDIS Funding?

NDIS funding was introduced to aid people with disabilities. 

The NDIA manages NDIS funding. It works closely with participants, their families, and support networks. This way, the available resources will be effectively allocated to the participant. 

But to apply for NDIS funding, you must be eligible.

NDIS application requirements include the following:

  1. Basic eligibility criteria (age and residency)
  2. Disability requirements
  3. Early intervention requirements

Basic Eligibility Criteria

Basic eligibility criteria include age and residency requirements.

To be eligible for NDIS funding, you must meet the specified age requirements. For adults, you must be between the ages of 18 and 65 years old to be eligible for NDIS funding. 

There are other support systems available for those who fall outside this age range. For those older than 65, Home Care Packages are an excellent solution. 

When applying for the NDIS, you'll need to provide proof of age to verify your eligibility. 

This can be done through official documents. For example, a birth certificate, passport, or driver's license.

When it comes to residency, you must be:

  • An Australian citizen
  • A permanent visa holder
  • A Protected Special Category visa holder

The National Disability Insurance Scheme is available to people living in Australia. This includes Victoria (VIC).

The NDIS eligibility criteria may vary depending on the state or territory. Make sure to check the specific requirements for your location.

If you're unsure about your eligibility, you can check with the NDIS. You can also contact your local NDIS office for more information.

It's important to meet these requirements before continuing with your application.

Disability Requirements

The next step is understanding the disability criteria.

Your disability must be permanent. This means that it's likely to be lifelong. It also has to significantly impact your ability to perform daily activities.

Permanent disabilities can include:

  • Physical disabilities
  • Intellectual disabilities
  • Sensory impairment
  • Psychosocial conditions
  • Neurological disabilities
  • Genetic disorders
  • Autoimmune disabilities
  • Chronic medical conditions

It's important to note that eligibility is not only based on the type of disability. It also refers to the functional impact it has on an individual's daily life. 

The NDIS looks at how the disability affects a person's ability to do everyday activities. It also looks at community participation.

Early Intervention Requirements

The NDIS also offers support to children. This is also known as early intervention support.

To be eligible, a child must be under the age of 6. They must also have a developmental delay or disability that's likely to last for a lifetime.

The disability or delay must significantly impact the child's functional capacity. This has to apply in at least two of the following areas: 

  • Communication
  • Social interaction
  • Learning
  • Mobility
  • Self-care
  • Self-management

The child must also need support from a person or assistive technology to participate in activities or achieve goals.

A professional needs to assess the child's disability and support needs. This can be a pediatrician, psychologist, or occupational therapist. 

Parents or guardians are encouraged to gather any relevant medical reports. Educational and therapeutic information can also help support the application process.

How to Apply

To apply for NDIS funding, you must undergo certain assessments. You must also provide the necessary documentation. 

These assessments are important to determine your eligibility. The level of support you need will also be discussed. 

You need to provide evidence that your disability significantly impacts your daily functioning. If you need support to take part in daily activities, this makes you eligible.

The specific assessments you may need to go through will depend on certain factors. These include your individual circumstances and the nature of your disability.

The next step is to fill out the Access Request Form provided by the NDIA. 

Include information about your disability, how it affects your life, and your support needs. You can get help from family, friends, or a support worker.

Send the completed Access Request Form and supporting documents to the NDIA. You can submit it online, by mail, or in person at a local NDIS office.

If your application is successful, you'll be invited to a planning meeting. This is an opportunity to discuss your goals, needs, and the support you need. You can bring a family member, friend, or advocate to the meeting.

After the planning meeting, the NDIA will create your NDIS plan. This plan outlines the support and funding you'll receive. You'll get a copy, and it's essential to review it to ensure it meets your needs.

Based on your NDIS plan, you can choose an NDIS provider for the support you need. You have the flexibility to decide who delivers your services.

Once everything is set up, you can start receiving the support outlined in your NDIS plan.

Documentation Needed for NDIS Funding Application

When you apply for the NDIS, there are some documents you need to provide. 

These reports should outline your diagnosis. This includes the impact of your disability on your daily life. Any recommended supports or interventions should also be mentioned.

These can be medical reports or assessments from healthcare professionals.

You may also need to provide evidence of your age, residency, and status.

These documents include:

  1. The Access Request Form
  2. Proof of age and residency
  3. Medical reports and assessments
  4. Supporting letters
  5. Current support plans
  6. Financial information

It is crucial to ensure that all documentation is accurate and up-to-date. It must clearly support your need for NDIS funding. 

Incomplete or inadequate documentation may delay the assessment process. It can even result in a negative outcome.

It's recommended to seek help from disability support organisations or NDIS service providers. 

They can guide you through the application process and help gather the documentation.

NDIS Funding Eligibility

You can apply for the NDIS if you meet certain eligibility criteria. These include age, residency, disability, and early intervention requirements. 

If you are eligible for the NDIS, you need to find a reliable NDIS provider. 

Inclusive Home Care is here for you. We are an approved NDIS provider offering high-quality disability support. Our goal is to provide you with expert professional care and empower your independence. 

Contact us if you want to know more.

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