NDIS Eligibility: Am I Eligible to Apply for the NDIS?

Read this blog post to find out everything about NDIS eligibility, what you need to apply, and how the entire application process works.

Updated on Jan 16, 2024
5 min read


If you're thinking about applying for the NDIS, you first need to determine if you are eligible.

More than 550,000 Australians receive support through the NDIS. While this insurance scheme can help many individuals, not everyone can apply. 

Those with significant or permanent disabilities can apply for the NDIS. But, there are a few other factors that affect NDIS eligibility. 

The NDIA also considers the impact of the disability. To be more precise, how much it affects a person's daily life and functioning.

If you're wondering, "Am I eligible for the NDIS?" this article is for you. 

We'll talk about what it takes to receive support through the NDIS. We'll also discuss what to do once you confirm your eligibility for this program.

What Is the NDIS?

The NDIS is the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

It's an insurance scheme initiated by the Australian Government. It's designed to provide support to individuals with disabilities. 

The NDIS provides necessary support to those with permanent disabilities. The NDIS is managed by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA).

If you're eligible, you can sign up for the NDIS.

You and your family can then work with the NDIA to create a personalised support plan. The plan will outline your goals, needs, and support services.

The NDIA allocates funding based on the individual's approved support plan.

The funding is intended to cover various supports. This includes:

  • Therapy
  • Personal care
  • Assistance with daily living
  • Assistive technology
  • Community participation activities
  • Support for education
  • Home modifications

Participants have the flexibility to choose their service providers. They have more control and choice over the support they receive.

What Are the 4 Requirements for Access to the NDIS

To receive assistance through the NDIS, you need to be eligible. 

These are the official NDIS requirements for eligibility:

  1. Age requirements 
  2. Residence requirements
  3. Disability requirements
  4. Early intervention requirements

You must be between 9 and 65 to apply. 

When it comes to residence requirements, you must be:

  • An Australian citizen
  • A permanent resident
  • A Protected Special Category Visa holder

Of course, you also have to live in an area where the NDIS is available. 

The disability requirements are the most important. You must have a disability that is caused by permanent impairment. 

The disability must also prevent or hinder the individual from completing everyday activities. 

The NDIS also lists early intervention requirements. These requirements are for children under the age of 7. 

They may be eligible if they have a developmental delay. If they have a disability likely to result in a significant impairment, they can also apply. 

The early intervention also applies to those who may have an impairment that is likely to be permanent. 

Disability Requirements

Let's take a second to discuss the NDIS requirements for disabilities.

You must have a significant or permanent disability if you want to apply.

The NDIS is there to assist people with disabilities that will last for a long time or are expected to endure throughout their lives.

The impact of your disability should be significant. 

This means that your disability affects your ability to do everyday things or take part in activities. For instance, going to school, working, or being part of your community. 

It's not just a minor difficulty. It's something that makes daily life challenging.

The NDIS covers the following types of disabilities:

  • Neurological disabilities
  • Cognitive disabilities
  • Physical disabilities
  • Intellectual disabilities
  • Psychiatric disabilities
  • Sensory disabilities
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

The NDIA also states that you may be eligible if you need disability-specific support to complete daily life activities.

For example, if you have difficulty moving around, communicating, or socialising, you may be eligible. You may also struggle with learning or doing self-care or self-management tasks.

If you're likely to need NDIS support your whole life, you are probably eligible.

How to Apply for the NDIS?

When you find out you're eligible, you can apply.

Collect information about your disability. This includes medical reports and any assessments you may have.

This documentation will help support your application.

The Access Request Form is available on the official NDIS website. You can get it from a Local Area Coordinator (LAC) or the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA).

You can do this online, by mail, or in person at an NDIA office. Your NDIS partner can help you with your application.

The NDIS assessment is the next step. At this point, the NDIA may contact you for any information they need.

If your eligibility is confirmed, you will have a meeting with an NDIA representative. This is an opportunity to discuss your goals and support needs. It's also a chance to talk about what type of support you need.

The NDIA will help you develop a personalised support plan. This plan outlines the types of support and funding you will receive.

Once your support plan is approved, you can start using your NDIS funding. You can use the funds to access services and supports outlined in your plan.

How to Choose an NDIS Provider

Choosing the right NDIS provider is an important decision. It can greatly impact the quality of support and services you receive. 

Here are some steps to help you make an informed choice when selecting an NDIS provider:

  1. Understand your needs.
  2. Check provider registration.
  3. Ask for recommendations.
  4. Research and compare providers.
  5. Review the provider's expertise.
  6. Check the provider's location.
  7. Ask about staff qualifications.
  8. Seek clarity on costs.

First, you need to identify your needs and goals. Consider the type of support and services that will help you achieve your objectives.

Make sure that the provider is registered with the NDIS. Registered providers have met certain standards. They are authorised to deliver services under the scheme. 

You can check the NDIS website or contact the NDIS for a list of registered providers.

Seek recommendations from friends and family with experience with NDIS providers. 

Research different providers. Considering factors such as their reputation and experience. Look into the range of services they offer.

Make sure that the provider has experience in delivering services relevant to your needs. Some providers may specialise in certain areas. It's important to choose one with expertise in the support you need.

Consider the location of the provider. Ask if they can deliver services in your area. Some providers may have specific geographic coverage. 

Inquire about the qualifications and training of the provider's staff. Making sure that the support workers have the necessary skills and expertise is crucial.

Understand the costs associated with the services, including any out-of-pocket expenses. Ask for a clear breakdown of fees and how they do invoicing.

What to Do if You Are Not Eligible for the NDIS?

If you're not eligible for the NDIS, there are a few steps you can take.

If you have received a decision that you are not eligible, consider contacting the NDIA. They can provide some information about your decision. They can also offer guidance on potential next steps.

You can try to appeal your decision. The NDIA will provide information on the appeals process. You may need to provide some documentation or evidence to support your case.

You can also investigate other funding sources. Some programs or grants may be specific to certain disabilities or needs.

Reach out to the community. There are many non-profit organisations that offer support services to individuals with disabilities. 

These organisations may provide support, resources, and information on available community programs.

It's best to stay informed. Changes in eligibility criteria or new programs may become available. Disability support services can evolve, and new opportunities may arise.

Find Out More

If you're looking for a reliable NDIS provider, Inclusive Home Care is here for you. We're a leading NDIS provider in Melbourne, and we offer comprehensive disability support.

Our services include personalised NDIS support services and much more. You can book a free personalised consultation today. 

You can also contact us if you have any questions.

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